Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Busy, busy, busy!

The past few days have been a nonstop, whirlwind ride, and I finally have time to wind down and actually follow through with this whole blogging business.

For those who don't know me already, I'm a summer intern for the overnight camping experience at a branch of a particular *ahem* world-famous zoo (click here, or here). Sorry I have to be so elusive, but I think the PR department would be a bit happier if I just take you directly to the main websites. Anyway, as a tour guide, I have some early mornings and late nights, but I get to meet some awesome people, and talk about some of my favorite animals!

 I had the morning shift on Saturday and Sunday, both days requiring me to wake up at 4:00. Now, I'm fine when I have to leave the house, and I'm actually surprisingly chipper by the time I clock in at 5:45, but getting out of bed is no picnic. Saturday was particularly brutal since my silly beagle, Linus, was just winding up as I was trying hard to wind down.

"What do you mean it's time for bed?  It's only 9:00!"
Saturday was jam-packed--after work, I drove down to the mall to meet a dear friend of mine, and then we turned around and I took us right back to the park. It was nice to come and spend time as a guest for once, and being able to share it with her made it all the better! We arrived at 11:00 and stayed until about 4. 

To this day I'm still surprised I lasted that long.

 I wish I had thought to take pictures, but I think it's nice to view life with your own eyes once in a while, instead of through the screen of a camera or a phone. No selfies, just yourself and your friends and fellow humans in the moment. 

Sunday was almost the same, except I got to go home straight after work. No busman's holidays, no errands. Just home. And a nap.

 Then yesterday, Monday, things picked up again. I joined the other interns for our last intern event of the summer: a career information day that went from 7:00 to 3:30. Being able to see my friends from last year, not to mention the awesome breakfast and lunch provided for us, definitely took the edge off another early morning and long day.

Though the day was long, I learned quite a bit about how these internships and other life experiences can shape and mold us, prepare us for our ultimate goals, and lead us to pathways we would have never considered in the first place.  Never take anything for granted, and always see the opportunity and the (sometimes hidden) value in everything, even if it means you have to look a little harder.

I can relax now, and I should hopefully have new posts up soon, this time with more pictures (yaaayyyyy!) and a look at the crafter in me! 

Until next time,


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