Sunday, September 27, 2015

Summer's End

Sorry I've been gone for a while; until now, I just haven't had all that much to post about.   I finally started back on my projects after lapsing for this one simple reason:  it's just been too darn hot to knit or crochet.  To some hard-core crafters, that may seem like an impossibility, but I have a relatively low level of heat tolerance, and it's been in the high 90's, in Fahrenheit lately; just handling yarn (especially the super soft, fuzzy fibers like wool and even some acrylics), along with the movements involved, can make me quite physically uncomfortable.  It's a shame, considering I have at least three projects going at once, and they're actually looking pretty good.  Here are a couple examples:
Blanket based on the Shipwreck Shawl; this main section is knit to the pattern's instructions, but I plan on crocheting the rest. (link to Knitty page, Link to the Knitting Harpy's blog)

The start of the Shore Thing tank, by Jen Owens, also on Knitty.  I truly am enjoying this knit, despite my usual heat-induced yarn aversion.  A good cotton yarn and a fun lace rib pattern will do the trick every time.   
I also have that lace shawl from earlier in the summer, but I don't have any recent pictures since nothing else has been added in the first place.  The design process is slow-going to boot, but since it's my first attempt at designing anything, I'm not surprised. 

To add to the boredom, my hours at the Park had been reduced due to the general slowdown in vacation season, but it has picked back up a little.  Hopefully I'll be able to find out about other opportunities there, or if I should apply for a second job. 

In the mean time, here are a few things I'm looking forward to in general, and some things I hope to accomplish here on Knitting Safari: 

  • The Vista Fiber Arts Fiesta Since I'm finally a serious knitter, and starting to become an almost equally-serious spinner, I've been dreaming of a chance to attend a fiber festival like the New York State Sheep and Wool Festival, known simply as Rhinebeck in the fiber arts circle (named for the Upstate New York town in which the festival is held).  Unfortunately, I live on the west coast, and I'm not really in a position in my life that can afford me a cross-country trip--at least not yet.  Fortunately, next weekend, the 3rd and the 4th of October, I get to experience my very first fiber festival, and I don't even have to leave San Diego County!  I can't wait to go, and I'm so excited to share how that goes! 
  • A family trip to the Grand Canyon.  Now, I'm not disclosing when I'm going, or for how long, but I've been looking forward to seeing the Grand Canyon.  In 2011, my family and I went to Yosemite, and Sequoia/King's Canyon, and I have since made it a lifetime goal to visit all of the US national parks.  This will be check number three, and I hope it's a tradition that my future family will keep. 
  • Keep building the blog.  As of right now, there's not a lot that's going on here, besides the occasional post.  Eventually, I would like to build up, maybe include some of my favorite blogs (and start following them again!), write some tutorials and put up links to helpful resources for knitting and crochet, and work on drafting some basic original designs.  Sound ambitious?  Perhaps, but anything can be done if you put your mind to it.   
  • Knit a sweater.  Yes, the sweater may be a knitter's stereotype, but it's also a sort of a knitting rite-of-passage.  The sweater is classic garment that can be made in any weight yarn and almost any fiber, and incorporates shaping techniques such as increasing and decreasing, ribbing for any sleeve cuffs, an d other stitch styles for embellishment and other construction elements.  After the Shore Thing tank is complete, my ultimate sweater goal is to knit my own Aran sweater.  Wish me luck. 
  • Working full time.  As you may (or may not) know, my career plan five years ago was to graduate with a bachelor's in Animal Science in four years, then go to veterinary school.  Now, I'm happy to have made it out in just under five years and to have had two summer internships, and paid ones at that, and I am so grateful that the most recent one has turned into a regular-season part-time job.  However, as much fun as I'm having, I do need to support myself and my crafting habits.  I'll keep you up to date on my adventures and where I find myself. 
Until next time, take care!

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